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Online training Ocular Surface Disease

Tramedico extends its gratitude to ophthalmologist Dr. Jelle Vehof, optometrist and President of the European Council of Optometry & Optics Gabriëlle Janssen, and general practitioner Dr. Femke van Gennip for their dedication, expertise, and enthusiasm in making this webcast a great success!

  • OVN – congress 2025

    OVN – congress 2025

    On March 10, we were proud to be present with our stand at the OVN Congress in Den Bosch—an inspiring and successful day filled with valuable discussions and great connections!

    Lees meer: OVN – congress 2025
  • Donation dining cafe

    Donation dining cafe

    Each year, Tramedico has the wonderful opportunity to support a charitable cause with our annual donation. We focus on initiatives where our contribution truly makes an impact and isn’t just a drop in the ocean. This year, we are proud to announce one of those causes where we know we are genuinely making a difference.

    Lees meer: Donation dining cafe
  • Nepal Study Tour

    Nepal Study Tour

    Each year, Tramedico has the wonderful opportunity to support a charitable cause with our annual donation. We focus on initiatives where our contribution truly makes an impact and isn’t just a drop in the ocean. This year, we are proud to announce one of those causes where we know we are genuinely making a difference.

    Lees meer: Nepal Study Tour