Preventis GmbH
Preventis GmbH is a globally oriented German company and is the sister company of Immundiagnostik GmbH. Preventis was founded in 2003 in Bensheim, Hesse, Germany and since then they have focused on taking rapid tests and home testing to a new level.
While Immundiagnostik mainly focuses on the tests used in laboratories (Elisa), Preventis is mainly active with innovative products in the sector of point-of-care diagnostics and telemedicine solutions that are used in clinics, practices and in everyday life at home. Preventis supplies products for the ideal use by both laymen and medical professionals.
The SmarTest series and the QuantOn technology® that Tramedico has introduced in the Netherlands on behalf of Preventis enable the quantitative evaluation of a lateral flow rapid test using a product-specific Preventis app. The tests are valid and comparable to parameter-specific gold standards. The tests are now being used by a number of (academic) hospitals, especially for IBD patients, or are used in trails.