Home > Collaborations > Pohl-Boskamp


In the 80’s and 90’s of the last century, Tramedico and Pohl Boskamp worked together intensively in the field of marketing & sales of Pohl Boskamp’s products in both the Netherlands and Belgium. For example, Nitrolingual Pump Spray and the NitroPohl range were successfully introduced during this time. In the early years of the new millennium, Pohl Boskamp set up its own branch in the Netherlands, with the result that the cooperation between the two companies focused on Belgium and logistics services for the entire Benelux.

At the beginning of 2018, the collaboration between Tramedico and Pohl Boskamp was revived and Tramedico takes care of the marketing and sales of the current product portfolio of Pohl Boskamp with full dedication.